These 25 Things Happen As Soon As You Expose a Narcissist

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Narcissists are masters of manipulation, often hiding their true nature behind a carefully crafted facade. But when you see through their act, it can trigger a range of defensive behaviors aimed at regaining control or protecting their fragile ego. Here are 25 tactics a narcissist might use when they realize you’ve uncovered their true self. Understanding these behaviors can help you navigate your interactions with them and protect yourself from further harm.

1. Gaslighting

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Gaslighting is a classic manipulation tactic where the narcissist tries to make you doubt your own perceptions. They might twist facts, deny events, or lie outright, all in an effort to convince you that you’re the one who’s mistaken, not them.

2. Smear Campaign

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When a narcissist feels threatened, they may start a smear campaign against you. This involves spreading lies, rumors, or half-truths to damage your reputation and isolate you from your support network, making it harder for you to stand up to them.

3. Playing the Victim

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Narcissists often flip the script, portraying themselves as the victim to garner sympathy and deflect blame. They may accuse you of being the one who is unfair or unreasonable, shifting the focus away from their own behavior.

4. Love-Bombing

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In an attempt to regain control, a narcissist might resort to love-bombing, where they shower you with excessive praise, affection, or gifts. This sudden show of kindness is designed to make you question your judgment and draw you back into their influence.

5. Silent Treatment

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The silent treatment is a passive-aggressive tactic used by narcissists to punish and manipulate. By withdrawing communication, they aim to make you feel guilty, anxious, or desperate for their approval, forcing you to come back to them on their terms.

6. Triangulation

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Triangulation involves the narcissist bringing a third party into the situation to validate their perspective and invalidate yours. This tactic creates confusion and competition, further isolating you and making you doubt your own viewpoint.

7. Denial

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Narcissists often deny any wrongdoing when confronted. They might claim you’ve misunderstood them or are overreacting, refusing to acknowledge their behavior and instead placing the blame on you.

8. Projection

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Projection is when the narcissist accuses you of the very behaviors or flaws they possess. By projecting their negative traits onto you, they deflect attention from their own shortcomings and make you feel defensive.

9. Rage

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Narcissistic rage can be triggered when they feel exposed or threatened. This explosive anger is meant to intimidate and silence you, reasserting their dominance in the relationship.

10. Devaluation

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After initially idealizing you, a narcissist may quickly shift to devaluation when they feel threatened. They might belittle, insult, or undermine you in an attempt to erode your confidence and make you feel inferior.

11. Hoovering

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Hoovering is a tactic used by narcissists to suck you back into the relationship after you’ve tried to distance yourself. They might send you messages, make promises of change, or appeal to your emotions to lure you back.

12. Blame Shifting

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Rather than accepting responsibility for their actions, narcissists often shift the blame onto you. They may argue that you’re the cause of the problem, turning the tables and making you feel guilty or at fault.

13. Feigning Ignorance

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Feigning ignorance is a tactic where the narcissist pretends not to understand what you’re talking about. They act as if they have no idea why you’re upset, forcing you to doubt your perceptions and re-explain yourself repeatedly.

14. Exaggerating Their Achievements

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To reassert their superiority, a narcissist may start boasting more about their achievements or status. This exaggeration serves to remind you of their supposed greatness and make you feel less significant.

15. Ghosting

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Ghosting is when the narcissist suddenly disappears from your life without explanation, cutting off all contact. This tactic leaves you confused and hurt, giving them a sense of power and control over your emotions.

16. Mirroring

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Mirroring involves the narcissist mimicking your behavior, interests, or opinions to regain your trust. They use this tactic to convince you that they’ve changed or that you’re more alike than you think, making it harder for you to leave.

17. Recruiting Flying Monkeys

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Narcissists often recruit others to do their bidding, known as “flying monkeys.” These people may pressure you, validate the narcissist’s perspective, or even spread rumors on their behalf, making it difficult for you to stand up for yourself.

18. Threats

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If a narcissist feels cornered, they may resort to threats, either direct or implied. These threats could be emotional, physical, or involve your reputation, all designed to intimidate you into compliance.

19. Playing Dumb

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Playing dumb is a tactic where the narcissist pretends to be clueless about what’s happening. By feigning ignorance, they avoid accountability and force you to explain your concerns over and over, frustrating you into submission.

20. Lashing Out

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When a narcissist feels exposed, they might lash out verbally, emotionally, or even physically. This aggressive response is intended to regain control and make you think twice before confronting them again.

21. Love Withdrawal

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A narcissist might withhold affection, approval, or support as a form of punishment when they sense you’re seeing through them. This love withdrawal is designed to make you feel desperate for their validation.

22. Sudden Kindness

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In a bid to confuse you, a narcissist may suddenly become overly kind or helpful. This tactic makes you question whether you’ve misunderstood them and doubt your decision to distance yourself.

23. Minimizing

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Narcissists often downplay their actions, insisting that you’re overreacting or making a big deal out of nothing. This minimization is intended to make you doubt your feelings and reduce the impact of their behavior.

24. Sabotaging

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When a narcissist feels threatened, they might try to sabotage your relationships, career, or other aspects of your life. This is a form of revenge for seeing through their facade, aiming to bring you down.

25. False Apology

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A narcissist might offer a hollow apology that lacks sincerity, often followed by excuses or justifications for their behavior. This false apology is a tactic to smooth things over without making any real changes.

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